The Future of Vaping: Eight Revolutionary E-Cig Devices In Top Secret Development
by James Dunworth ProductWant to know what is going on in the secret underground labs at E-Cigarette Direct's headquarters? We thought we'd give you a sneak preview of some of the devices which they are working on - and which you might be vaping in a few month's time!
1. The ECigPod
Vaping - what could be more relaxing? Well how about listening to your favourite songs while doing so! The ECIG Pod will enable to you to vape along to your favourite melodies :)
2. E-Cig Mobile
When not vaping, you will be able to use your Smoker's Halo ECigMobile to chat with other e-cig users in a 5000 mile radius.
3. The E-Cigarette Pen
If you're like me, you're always losing pens - and e-cigs! But by combining birobility with your favourite vaping stick (and attaching it to one of our handy lanyards) you can make sure you always have a pen AND an e-cigarette with you. And as it looks identical to to an ordinary pen, it's ideal for sneaky usage in non-vaping offices!
4. E-Cigarette Bling
The first pure gold electronic cigarette is on it's way, with a diamond that sparkles when you inhale. Ideal for rappers and posers.
5. E-Cigarette Drug Delivery Device: No More Injections!
No more painful injections - in the future you'll be able to inhale drugs via our e-cigarettes in a range of delicious flavours.
6. E-Cigarette Helmet
The Smoker's Halo Helmet will fit loosely around your head. Simply headbang the nearest wall to release a stream of delicious vapour. The helmet will also protect you from rain, and scare the crap out of people who would otherwise tell you to stop smoking/vaping.
7. The ECig Love Detector
We already know that e-cigarettes make us horny. So what better than a discreet E-Cig Love detector which will automatically detect when a member of the opposite sex is interested in you. A warning siren will blast out off the e-cigarette, the end will flash blue and exhaled vapour will automatically form first into a pink heart and then into a large pink finger pointing at the person interested in you.
Can you think of a better way to find romance? We can't!
Best used with the e-juice e-confidence.
8. E-Cig Assassin
Following the success of the Super Tank, we're working with secret services around the world to secretly develop a harmless looking device which looks like an e-cigarette - but also blows out a lethal dart instantly killing the enemies of the state. It will also enable secret agents who smoke to enjoy their nicotine fix without setting off sensitive alarms when breaking into enemy headquarters.
Can't provide more details, I am afraid, as this blog post would instantly self-destruct.
Also in development:
- The E-Cig Miniature Rocket Launcher
- The E-Cig Lie Detector
- The E-Cig Poison Dart (developed with the help of Dayak tribal vapers who live in the depths of the Borneo jungle)
- The E-Cig Torture Device (heats up at the end just like a real cigarette, also available in variable voltage for the more sophisticated torturer)
If you're a secret agent (or even just an enthusiastic amateur/terrorist/criminal), please email now for more details of our extensive range of products. If you're an ordinary vaper, though, you might be more interested in upcoming and new vape devices - which may be a little less bizarre, but reflects the most recent and advanced vaping technology.
Also see: E-Cigarette Lager - the authentic fake lager for drinkers.